Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Life Simplified?

Am I traveling light? Hardly.  Some of you may recall that the reason I departed Brighton, MI and the USA in general was to "simplify" my life.  I sold or gave away most everything I owned and left behind a very small number of personal items in storage. I paid off all my debt and packed two suitcases to move to South America. For a long time I didn’t have a computer and used the local Internet cafes.  I didn’t have a cell phone, a car, a house or apartment, a TV or even a toaster!  I lived out of a suitcase at a local hostal and when it was time to move into a small apartment, I packed my too suitcases and walked the three blocks it took to arrive—unpacking and moving into my new place in less than an hour. Then I settled in and didn’t return to the US for almost three years.  

Wyoming or Idaho?
How times and circumstances have changed. My simple life becomes more complicated yet rich and and fulfilling with ever passing day. With the infinite wisdom that only comes with advanced aging, I choose to fall in love with a man from Australia!  Finding someone in South America or maybe somewhere in the US apparently just wasn’t bizarre enough for me. I now have clothes and shoes stationed in Iquitos, Peru; Perth, Western Australia; and Brighton, Michigan.  My US address is my brother’s house Michigan, my shipping address is at a friend’s house in Brighton, my mailing address is in Peru, and my favorite man and weather is in Australia. To complicate matters more, I go and get breast cancer, have it treated in Australia then follow up in the US. I now have oncologists in both countries and my suitcase is more full of paperwork and medical records than clothes or my favorite consumables--which I can’t get in either Peru or Australia.

Cultural Adaptation
I now have a laptop, a cheap flip phone, and IPhone, a Kindle, a camera, a toaster oven, a blender, a TV, and and an Internet in Peru that’s slower than dial-up (for those of you old enough to remember dial-up!). Is my life more complicated, essentially living part time in three countries on three different continents?  For sure!  Is it the most exciting, fulfilling and adventure packed life I could lead? Absolutely!  Am I happier and more at peace than ever before? No doubt! I love my family, my friends, my man, my work, my opportunities and my ability to have found the world again through fresh and exciting eyes.  Yes, it’s complicated but as in all things, one day at a time.

Hmm, can't remember!
I’m heading back to Australia for December then Peru on New Year’s Eve.  It will give me great joy to be back home as I ring in the New Year.    I consider 2013 to be a “reboot” year for my health and my attitude.  My goals and interests haven’t changed but the cancer has put a finer point on the subject and I fine myself not wanting to lose any time doing all the things I want to do, see all the people and places I want to see, eat all the yummy food I can enjoy, and reach as many of my professional goals as possible.  Thanks for going along on this ride with me—as we all know, it’s not the destination but the journey and the company you keep along the way!

Life Is Wonderful!
Finally, James and I took a wonderful trip out West for the month of October.  We visited eight states, saw countless mountain ranges and enjoyed endless natural beauty—and in so doing put 7,000 miles on our rental car. I’m so happy to know that these irreplaceable wonders of nature are being preserved and maintained by our federal park system. In the meantime, we did eat in a lot of restaurants and enjoyed a variety of interesting meals.  As you may recall from one of my earlier posts, I found Australia to offer outstanding cappuccino virtually everywhere you go.  Not so here in the US, at least in the Brighton area  and the Midwest—although it can be found here and there.  When James and I did find a cup of cap, we started rating them, the name of the café or restaurant and in what town.  Our list and ratings are as follows and will give you an idea of our October journeys:

1.   Petals & Perks, Frankfort, MI--3 ½ stars 
2.   Brass Café & Saloon, Mt. Pleasant, MI--2 stars
3.   Wooden Spoon, Brighton, M--2 stars
4.   Afternoon Delight, Ann Arbor, MI--2 ½ stars
5.   Diana’s on Main, Rockford, MI--3 stars
6.   Bean & Leaf, Royal Oak, MI--3 1/2 stars
7.   Gandy Dancer, Ann Arbor, MI--3 ½ stars
8.   Common Grill, Chelsea, MI--1 star
9.   Starbucks, DTW Airport, Romulus, MI--4 stars
10.        New Moon Café & Bakery, Nederland, CO--3 ½ stars
11.        Yellowstone Hotel, Yellowstone, WY--4 stars
12.        Old Faithful Inn, Yellowstone, WY--3 ½ stars
13.        Cowboy Coffee, Jackson, WY--4 stars
14.        Higher Grounds, Kamish, ID--2 stars
15.        Le Café de Paris, Boise, ID--5 stars Perfect I
16.        Shivers & Jitters, Venal, UT--3 stars
17.        Sweet Cravings, Moab, UT--3 stars
18.        Mon Ami Cabi, Las Vegas, NV--5 stars Perfect II
19.        Crema Café, Cottonwood, AZ--3 ½ stars
20.        The Avalanche Café, Silverton, CO--3 ½ stars
21.        Mountainview Mall & Café, Chama, NM--3 ½ stars
22.        Lamberts, Toas, NM--4 1/2 stars
23.        Midtown Bistro, Santa Fe, NM--4 stars
24.        Root Down, Denver, CO--4 ½ stars
25.        Steve & Rocky’s, Novi, MI--3 stars

Our system was one to five 
stars. Only two were perfect they were both found in French cafes.  What can we say, the French simply do some things better than anyone else!

See you again in the New Year as Perú beckons one more time :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the ride! I'm living an adventure through you. Ray
